据欧盟网站消息,8月14日欧盟公报发布(EU)No 884/2014号委员会实施条例,因黄曲霉毒素污染风险而加强对第三国进口食品和饲料进行特殊控制,同时废止(EC)No 1152/2009 号法规。
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 (9 ), this Regulation shall apply to the import of the follow ing feed and food falling w ithin the CN codes and TARIC classifications set out in Annex I:
(a) Brazil nuts in shell and mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing Brazil nut s in shell (food)
originating in or consigned from Brazil;
(b) groundnuts in shell and shelled, peanut butter, groundnuts otherw ise prepared or preserved
(feed and food) originating in or consigned from China;
(c) groundnuts in shell and shelled, peanut butter, groundnuts otherw ise prepared or preserved
(feed and food) originating in or consigned from Egypt;
(d) pistachios in shell and shelled, pistachios otherw ise prepared or preserved (food) originating in or consigned from Iran;
(e) the follow ing food originating in or consigned from Turkey: (i)dried figs;
(ii)hazelnuts (Corylus sp.) in shell and shelled;
(iii)pistachios in shell and shelled;
(iv)mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs, hazelnuts or pistachios; (v)fig paste, pistachio paste and hazelnut paste;
(vi)hazelnuts, figs and pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures;
(vii)flour, meal and pow der of hazelnuts and pistachios; (viii)cut, sliced and broken hazelnuts;
(ix)hazelnut oil;
(f) groundnuts in shell and shelled, peanut butter, groundnuts otherw ise prepared or preserved
(feed and food) originating in or consigned from Ghana;
(g) groundnuts in shell and shelled, peanut butter, groundnuts otherw ise prepared or preserved
(feed and food) originating in or consigned from India;
(h) w atermelon seeds and derived products (food) originating in or consigned from Nigeria.
- 上一篇:花生油中检出黄曲霉毒素B1 2015/2/3
- 下一篇:三聚氰胺的源头 2015/2/2