Since this is a food additive that was not previously permitted for use in Canada, Health Canada published a Notice of Proposal to Enable the Use of a New Food Additive, Calcium Hypochlorite, as a Starch-Modifying Agent on March 28, 2014, requesting comments. No comments were received by the Department as a result of this publication.
As no safety concerns were raised through this assessment, the Department has enabled the food additive use described in the information document by modifying the List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents, effective October 03, 2014. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
- 上一篇:西安:进口食品无中文标示系违法 2014/10/13
- 下一篇:西柚或有助于减肥 又称好莱坞节食法风靡多年 2014/10/11